Left Para Aortic Lymph Node Dissection Cpt Code
212021 However unlike code 58548 code 58575 does not include removal of the bilateral pelvic lymph nodes and sampling of the para-aortic lymph nodes. Each lymph node. Laparoscopic Para Aortic Lymph Node Biopsy Youtube 2102021 The paraaortic lymph node is one of several masses of lymph tissue located near the aorta right in front of several lumbar vertebrae. Left para aortic lymph node dissection cpt code . Cancer cells can travel through these lymph nodes and spread to other areas of the body. In this procedure a radioactive substance is injected inside the blood to trace the node and to perform surgery. The radical code 58548 includes the hysterectomy parametrectomy and lymph node removal but does not include parametrectomy or the debulking. Related Services CPT codes. Ovarian cancer has a predilection for lymphatic dissemination along the drainage routes of the ovarian vessels to the high para-aortic lymph nodes in proximity to the renal vessels. 1212021 CPT code 38747 a...