Para Root Word Membean
In just two minutes youll get a fun and friendly dose of word roots three times a week. From geography classes to math graph paper to English paragraphs this root presents itself in many many forms. Exemplary Word Gossamer Membean Enn-year The Latin root enn of perennial. Para root word membean . The Latin root temp means time This Latin root is the word origin of a fair number of English vocabulary words including contemporary temporary and the Latin phrase tempus fugitThe root temp is easily recalled via the word tempo as the tempo of a piece of music is the timing of it that is whether it goes at a fast or slow pace when played. Son-sound The Latin root son of person. A way to per fect ly remember fect is that something per fect is so well done that it cannot be made any better. Mis-send The Latin root word mis of promise. Mot-move The Latin root mot of promote. 142 Jul 10 18 temp time. Want to read it instead. It tunes into students forgetting patterns and tea...